42 questions here.
Go for it.
My results:
You are a
Social Liberal (66% permissive) and an...
Economic Liberal (35% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
535: Origin Story
23 hours ago
What an interesting test. Here are my results!
You are best described as a:
Strong Republican
Hee hee. Here is mine!
You are a
Social Conservative
(10% permissive)
and an...
Economic Conservative
(63% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Wow... that was interesting. Here are my results.
You are a
Social Liberal
(81% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(20% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
What an interesting way to gauge your blog's readership (and to get people to post comments)! So here's mine:
Social Liberal
(83% permissive)
Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Well, hmmm. I'm described best as a
Socially liberal (66% permissive)
Economic liberal (23% permissive)
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Cool, Cool!
My results are:
Social Liberal
(71% permissive)
Economic Liberal
(30% ermissive)
You exhibit a very well developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in ecomonic fairness.
70% social liberal (is that bad?)
26% economic liberal(is that good?)
well developed sense of right & wrong & believe in economic fairness (obviously I don't shop @Wal-mart) pappy
Mine was Democrat:
68% socially permissive and
32% economically permissive
Thanks Derek,
Now I'm really honked off. I am a radical and thats all there is to it. I don't believe in fairness. Remember, I'm an elitist environmentalist.
My results:
You are a
Social Moderate
(50% permissive)
and an...
Economic Moderate
(50% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Man, we have quite a diversity of political tastes among our readers. Personally I think that's great.
Chad, you are straight 50/50 down the middle on both economics & social issues! I think that fits you perfectly -- it allows you to jump the fence and argue the other side easily! Cheers!
Obviously, it doesn't make any difference in this test what your political beliefs are, everyone believes in economic fairness and understands right and wrong. Is there something to be read into that? Pappy
I think the comment You exhibit a very well developed sense of right and wrong and believe in economic fairness is part of everyone's profile.
Hi Derek
Well the secret it out I am a
Social Liberal
(80% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Anne Jane
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