Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Grand Time

Jane and C.E. ventured to North Carolina this past weekend to see Owen and Gus.....and to see Amy & me too. ;-) The boys have changed a lot since May -- both in their physical features and in their personalities and reactions. It was a much easier visit for all of us than the last visit. I don't mean to suggest the last visit was bad. It's just that now things are easier for several reasons -- the boys are sleeping through the night, they are more predictable, we know our kids better than we did when they were a month old, and Amy & I get more rest than we did back then so we're not accusing each other of conspiring to hide all of the pacifiers while an unhappy child wails in the wee hours of the morning.

GJ (GranJane) got to watch up close and personal as Gus found his thumb this past weekend. He went to town on it after discovering that it was truly attached to his own hand and that he could have his thumb whenever he wanted it.

Pappy enjoyed the time with his grandsons as well. He got to see Owen roll over onto his stomach and actually make it back over to his back on the futon. C.E. also got a case of local beer from the Carolina Brewing Co., another perk of coming to see the boys.

And as much as I rant about posed pictures, I even agreed to sit still for a couple. (I'm covered until 2007 now by the way.)

Getting together is always exciting at the beginning of a visit and tough when it's time to leave. But we're pretty much old pros at it by now. And there will be many more get-togethers to look forward to.

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