Friday is finally here. It has been a good week, but a somewhat challenging one with the little monsters. We are adjusting their feeding schedule from five feedings a day down to four, introducing more solid foods.
Gus is all about vegetables -- the boy eats green beans and sweet potatoes like they're going out of style. He's a good eater and a good sleeper. Owen has gotten better with the solids -- he's still a little more unpredictable when he'll eat well, but he's warming up to them. The difficult part has been the impact to the boys' sleeping schedule. As they have adjusted to one fewer meal a day, their sleeping habits have changed which makes for some long days for Amy. Owen is only averaging about thirty minutes total in naps per day. So it's not uncommon for Amy to take a shower or do laundry with little Owen in a bouncy seat rather than sleeping like Gus. They are quite different these two boys.
So we are going to attempt to work the boys into a manageable schedule this weekend. Hopefully an extra set of hands will help Amy. Other than that, we have a lay-low schedule this weekend. Our friend Dan may come up from Fort Bragg on Saturday to run in a 10K in Raleigh. We will likely try to catch some sports this weekend. Kentucky goes to Nashville as an underdog (!!) to Vanderbilt on Saturday. Our beloved Carolina Hurricanes are lighting up the NHL early in the season -- they play tonight and Saturday night so we will probably catch them on the tube. And basketball season begins officially for UK on Sunday against basketball powerhouse South Dakota State -- the fighting Rushmores or something like that.
Have a great weekend everyone. Cheers!
535: Origin Story
1 day ago
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