While we consider Gus an easy baby he has his moments, usually as he eats. If the milk is flowing like a fire hose, Gus pitches a fit. And I don't mean a cranky little cry, I mean a red-faced, puffy bottom lip, breath-skipping tantrum. You would think we were feeding the kid hot coffee. By contrast Owen would open a second mouth if he had it -- the kid's appetite is ravenous. But not Gus. He is a very particular eater who often goes back to sleep with only a semi-full belly.
The Gus Man -- the mellow man consuming his share of sleep at 220 Kronos Lane.....as well as everyone else's.
Wow, it looks as if Gus's hair is turning lighter like Owen. Do you all notice this, or is it just the light from the camera? What a darling!
Yes, I noticed. I wondered too if it was the camera light. Sweet boys! Thanks for the pictures! GJ
Hi guys, that's intereting. It must be the way the picture was taken. I haven't noticed his hair getting any lighter.
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