Among our adventures...
- Sleeping bag camp out in Amy & Derek's bedroom
- Very chilly night walks with the Tuckster
- Christmas shopping and post office lines
- An outfoxing of the Coca-Cola Santa Claus puzzle
- Cul-de-sac football
- The Mystic Cave Zone on Sonic the Hedgehog
- Babies in the jumperoo
- Homemade pizza and tasty Christmas cookies
- Christmas light extravaganza
- Spiderman2
- Hearty breakfast eatin'
- Helping hands at feeding time
- Ashley & Scott show off their rocking prowess
- Home treatment hand pampering for the ladies
- Sharing gifts around the fire
- Plans drawn up for the 2006 Badminton championship
Aunt Ashley grabs hold of both the little men.

Scott tackled Owen at feeding time.

Gus grubs on peaches courtesy of Ashley & Brooke.
The Posey men offer up sweet potatoes and green beans to Owen.
Ashley is the Rocking Queen at getting the boys to doze off to sleep -- here with Mr. No Doze himself, Owen.
Coca-Cola Santa Claus and his 500 pieces were no match for the Rutledge/Posey crew.
Anticipation is in the air as presents sit just waiting to be opened.
Owen: "What exactly am I doing wearing this hat?".....
...."This is much better, thank you."
Amy tries to give Gus to the Poseys before they leave, but they aren't having any of that.
Looks as though I may need Rogaine in my stocking!
What a great visit we had. Can't wait to see you guys again. I'm ready for feeding/rocking/changing/play time anytime!
Merry Christmas to the Rutledge family! Owen and Gus, have a great first Christmas! We had a wonderful visit this week. We love you all!
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