Wednesday tidbits....
- Tess has regressed as she has not been able to keep any milk down all day. As soon as she finishes nursing she begins coughing and spits it all back up. The doctor told Amy to keep a watchful eye on her for the rest of the day and to follow up with them tomorrow. Amy & I thought she was getting better as she ate really well yesterday without incidents. We are going to crank up the trusty vaporizer to try to loosen any congestion that is in her chest. It is awful having a sick infant. As many hurdles as we had to overcome with the boys being premature, I don't recall a time this early when they were sick. We trudge onward...
- Barack Obama won Wyoming over the weekend, Mississippi yesterday, and when all the caucus delegates were finally counted, Texas back on March 4. Obama won't win Pennsylvania at the end of April, but I don't think it will matter as his delegate lead is insurmountable with the remaining contests. Hillary Clinton will claim that she should be the nominee because she can win the big states like California, New York, Ohio, Tex.... er, Florida (as long as no one campaigns there), and Michigan (as long as no one else is on the ballot). As for having the audacity to suggest that Obama should be her vice president, the Illinois senator put Hillary in her place this week with this speech.
- March Madness is nearly here as conference tournaments are going on this week. My tradition of taking vacation days to watch the games won't happen this year. Young children have a way of prioritizing themselves higher on the list. But that's ok. I am just thrilled that my Cats should get an NCAA tournament bid with their turnaround season, despite losing their best player in freshman phenom Patrick Patterson.
- Looks like that $4,300 investment for a roll in the hay with a high-priced call girl will get you more than you bargained for. For starters, a disgraced resignation and the obligatory presser photo with the disgraced wife in stand-by-your-man mode. My first thought wasn't, "Oh, just another politician caught with his pants down." It was, "$4,300 for a call girl???"

- My cousin Brooke has started a great blog detailing the lives of the Barretts (husband Geoff and daughter Gabi). Great to have Celebrate Everyday added to the blogroll.
- Finally, this is perhaps the oddest story I've read in a long, long time. (Hat tip to my buddy Scott for finding this oddity)
"Woman sits on boyfriend's toilet for 2 years"
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